Saturday, May 17, 2014

Day 98

A "Normal" Saturday

Slept in, then had a shot of coffee and managed the daily cat pilling without losing too much blood.  The turtles were out, so they got strawberries for breakfast.  Then Kent came over to discuss various handyman projects around the house. 

The first grilled hotdogs of the season came off the propane for lunch.  Spent a bit of time moving the Gardenias out of the house and Plectanthrus out of the greenhouse and under the junipers.  Then the Pool Whisperer (Cal) came over to open the pool. 
Later Cal's mom, Augusta came by and everyone enjoyed an afternoon snack of wine, cheese, olives, salami, and melon.  Augusta tried on my Glass and was impressed by the clarity of the screen despite looking through my Rx lenses.  After all, my prescription is for progressive bifocals plus an astigmatism. 

Afterwards, there was still time for a quick bike ride to the Candelaria Nature Center (see my Goathead Report for the latest on that) before a trip to the grocers.  It was at the neighborhood co-op that the checker commented on my Glass.  It was his first sighting in the wild.  He tried them on and then two other staff gave them a shot. 

There seems to be some problem with "head detection" or just a lot of latency when sharing Glass among different people.  My grocery checker had to use the shutter button to take a picture to wake up Glass.  (Of course, there I am without any glasses looking like a deer in the proverbial headlights.) 

His colleague quickly reciprocated.  

Since the XE17 upgrade, Glass has been sluggish, running a bit hot (but not overheating), not finding Wi-Fi and Bluetooth networks easily, and in general syncing and downloading slowly.  It might be the fact that I've got 4 GB of imagery still on the device since Portland and Berkeley.  Time to offload some of that. 

Tomorrow is the big day... Day 99, which is the 100th day of this blog since I started in proper style with Day Zero.  Have to think up something cool to do for the occasion. 

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