Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Day 66

Past the 2/3 Mark

Well, I've made it more than 67% of the way through my goal of posting daily thoughts on Google Glass.  It was a good day for Glass both in a national and local sense.

Nationally, today was the first-come-first-served online Glass sale.  Apparently, they sold out quickly even at $1500 a pop.  This confirms my belief that negative Glass events are rare and overdone in the major media.  Similarly, positive Glass reactions are common and mostly ignored by the media.  Happily, I can point to BBC's recent article that gives a very good look at the webcam-ness of Glass. 

Locally, we had a visitor from PNNL give a talk about their ideas for a tablet app to assist with International Nuclear Safeguards.  During my 1-on-1 time afterwards, I had an opportunity to give a Glass show-and-tell.  She was delighted to try them on and quickly was having news articles read to her, taking photos, and experimenting with the device.  Here's her first photograph, of yours truly in our 3rd floor conference room. 

Yes, exposure control with backlit subjects continues to be a problem.  Playing around with the gamma curves in paint.net was enough to bring up needed detail and make it a reasonable shot.

In a final note, I understand that Google will push KitKat out in a few days.  One of the features they are pulling back is the "Make a video call," which basically ties Glass in to Hangouts.  Even with its coarse resolution required by the limits of live-streaming, video calling had enormous potential.  Demos with it always got people's attention and we had plans for a field trial.  I just hope video calling comes back someday soon.

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