Thursday, April 24, 2014

Day 75


Three quarters of the way to my goal of 100 days of continuous blogging about Glass. 

The Veterinarian

Once again I'm at the vet's.  This time it's Henry Cat's annual physical and Bella's bp check-up.  Henry turned crazy feral on us when the vet came in, so there was little they could do but roll him up in 3 towels like a cat burrito in order to give him his vaccination.  Bella's blood pressure is perfect -- we've got the medication just right.  Below is a pic of a pre-vet happy Henry. 

Here are the brave folks at Aztec Animal Clinic gently working on my psychotic cat.  Sheesh, Henry, it's just a little bitty subcutaneous needle. 

Finally, after all the drama, we had a nice chat about Glass and how it could help the veterinarian practice.  Both vet and tech tried them on and I got a short video snippet. 

On the Way to the Office

After dropping off the cats, I headed into the office.  While driving up Zuni, I caught a glimpse of this unnerving sight... the sight where Monday an APD officer shot and killed Mary Hawkes, a 19 year old woman. 

I looped around and got this picture from across the street. 

So sad.  :-((

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