Sunday, March 2, 2014

Day 22

After yesterday's time spent with my brother, it was great to have a completely unscheduled day, a day to use Glass to capture the totally mundane.  Here's the entry into my local John Brook's supermarket, a photograph I'd never take with a standard camera or even with my smartphone.  I'm convinced that the ubiquity of cameras and other digital tools will give generations of researchers and historians yet to come endless material for theses and dissertations. 

Now, several days overdue, here's my series of exposure tests with the video of Glass.  First, here's a test video for EV 4-6, which translates to 40-160 Lux or about 4-15 foot-candles. 


Next, a 10 second clip at EV 6-9 or 160-1300 Lux, which is 15-120 foot-candles.

 Finally, here's the test for a scene the goes from near EV 0 in the center of the room to EV 6 near the large white containers. That's as low as 2.5 Lux or a quarter of a foot-candle. 

By in large, it's apparent that the Glass video system handles a very wide exposure range surprisingly well.  I just wish I could do exposure adjustments for strongly backlit subjects.  :-/ 

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