Monday, March 31, 2014

Day 51

Second Half

I managed to survive this past weekend's botanical expedition and now am just enjoying springtime with Glass.  Here's the Wisteria in the Hidden Garden on the west side of our house.  Even though it doesn't get morning sun, it is in a protected area with trees on either side, a high fence behind, and a heated greenhouse about 30' away. 

Meanwhile, here's a warm-looking south-facing location on the east side of the house. Just a few protected blossoms at the bottom of the trunk.  Everything else was killed by freezing temperatures.

The day was warm, so I took a couple quick snaps of Paddy grazing in the backyard with the sand cherries blooming. 

One of the problems with Glass is that it takes photos of whatever you are looking at.  That leads to weak photographic compositions.  Rarely does centering the object of a photo work unless there is a strong element of symmetry.  A common formula is to divide the screen into thirds horizontally and vertically.  Then place items of interest at the intersection of two lines.  Here Bella is captured in approximately the right spot, which is tricky to do without an optical viewfinder. 

Note to self:  create a live viewfinder app that uses the video feed to permit alignment and then a voice command to take the snapshot. This will be important for using Glass with add-on lenses for macro and telephoto work. 

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