OK, so it's Day 1000 in binary, if you remember that I started on Day 0. This morning was a relaxing one of coffee (no help from Glass), laundry (no help from Glass there, either), and checking e-mail (ditto). However, midday we set off for Mom's assisted living apartment to pick her up for lunch, which was going to be with my oldest brother Lou and his family from upstate NM.Lou suffers from PSP and has had it for quite a few years. It is considered a Parkinsonian disease, probably the result of chemical exposure from his former job. He is mostly limited to a wheelchair these days and has difficulty with balance, swallowing, and vision. It's so very hard to see such a strong and vibrant older brother become diminished. Here's a photograph of him on the East Slabs of the Organ Mountains from back in the early 70s.
Having basically a 2/3rds family reunion is difficult for all of us as we deal with Lou's condition. As it turns out, Glass was tremendously helpful. Even to take the time to bring out a cellphone camera would have seemed an intrusion into a deeply important family gathering. As it was, a discreet tap or press and I could capture a moment. Here his son Ty and Mom are seen pondering the menu with Lou at the head of the table.
Back to photographs of the mini-reunion, I got some photo-bombs whenever Ty leaned forward. I'll save those for family viewing only. Here's another shot with Lou's nurse helping him as they share something lighthearted.
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